Monday, September 10, 2007

The Wrigstad

My former student Tobias Wrigstad of Stockholm and External Uniqueness fame has left the nest and flown out into the wider world. He has taken a post-doc position in Jan Vitek et al's S3 group at Purdue University. The position looks really exciting, doing some programming language design and development. The work will be sufficiently different from Tobias' thesis topic to broaden his knowledge, without throwing him in the deep end. I think it will be a great opportunity for him to embiggen himself as a researcher.


Olle Jonsson said...

How does this make you feel, as somewhat of a rockstar mentor? (Or whatever moniker you'd like?)

supercooldave said...

Hi Olle. It certainly does. Proud in the very least. And happy that Tobias could find such a good job.