Finally, I found the time and energy (and determination) to complete another 100km ride. This time Dennis came along to drag me around, making it somewhat easier. I started out feeling very sluggish as I'd written 50km on each of the previous two days. It was also very windy, but most of the time the wind seems to be behind us. We rode the Ledig Erf club route, until the end of the hills, and then turned around and did the route in reverse, skipping one bumpy-road hill. At the end of the ride I needed to find another 14km to complete my ride, without the help of Dennis. This was the hardest part of the whole ride, but I knew that I was looking at a good time, so I pushed and pushed and counted every 100 metre as it passed by.
The result:
- Distance: 100km
- Time taken: 3h 29m 29s
- Average speed: 28.6km/h
- Maximum speed: 61.5km/h
I was mighty proud of myself. It makes the 100km at 30km/h goal look feasible.
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